Post a job on LawEnforcement.net for only $95 for 90 days. Limited time offer!
Agency Benefits
When you advertise your agencies jobs on Law Enforcement Network (LEN), you are receiving the personal attention and visibility from Military/Law Enforcement & Internet Marketing experts second to none. Many large job websites can never offer this, yet with Six (6) of the greatest Law Enforcement websites & top level domain names as seen below for the price of One (1). This is correct. You will be found via all 6 premium websites.
Submit your job post via our form or email it to us at advertise@lawenforcement.net. You can pay easily and conveniently by Credit Card, PayPal, Venmo, Check or Money Order. We email, mail, or fax you an invoice once we post your job. We will work closely with you and are readily available via email or telephone at (830) 358-5627 for any questions or plans you may have. We look forward to working with you to get you the greatest exposure possible for your organization as if it was our own. Thank you for your service and business! We are honored and will work diligently for you!